Friday, August 29, 2014

Week 30 Update

Tomorrow I am 30 weeks pregnant! This is incredibly exciting…and terribly nerve wracking! When you have never had a full term baby, your concerns at 30 weeks are a bit different than the average mom. I have been counting down the weeks up until this point. Now each week is an extra point. Each Saturday we reach is a huge blessing and if we can go six more weeks with the baby still resting comfortably where it is supposed to be then I will be the most pregnant I have ever been! We have a friend who is getting married in 6 weeks and I plan on being huge and uncomfortable at the wedding.

My belly now takes up a large majority of my lap. I can’t bend so well. I’ve decided that having painted toenails is just not that important. Molly now empties the dryer for me. Emily picks up things I have dropped. By 9 pm I am exhausted and yet it takes hours to fall asleep. Oh the joy of pregnancy. This baby is definitely a night owl. I can go nearly an entire day without feeling much movement but as soon as I lay down in bed, my belly rolls and jumps for a couple of hours.

We moved dressers around earlier this week and stocked baby clothes in an extra one in our room. The bassinet is laundered and waiting to be moved upstairs. I went shopping this week for the few things I needed. All we have left to get ready is the car seat but we are still debating that purchase. It feels good to be this prepared but I feel like the next couple of months will drag by because of it.

We have 7 shots left and my doctor appointments have moved to a bi-weekly schedule now. I failed my first glucose screening test but passed the 3 hour test so I am in the clear. Doctor says all looks great but because there were absolutely no signs of early labor with the girls either, he is keeping a very close eye on me. I have to come to dread the phrase, “lets get some extra pictures of the baby”. After 6 ultrasounds, they become a tad tedious.

I am definitely not wishing this pregnancy away. I am trying very hard to enjoy each second. We are fairly certain this is our last so each kick is extra special. Some days the demands of pregnancy on my body can be a bit overwhelming but I still love it. I love the way people feel extra motivated to open doors for me. I love the teeny tiny hiccups. I love maternity clothes. I love the excitement in my girls’ eyes. I love that I can eat cookies and not feel guilty. I love that I haven’t had to mow the lawn all summer long! I am really looking forward to meeting this tiny little person but for the next 10(I hope!) weeks, I will be thanking God for the gift of pregnancy, heartburn and all.

Prayer for a full term, healthy baby is still much appreciated. Technically, 37 weeks is full term but we would love to make it to 40!

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