Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A historic day...

Does anyone else find it strange that everyone keeps talking about this being a pivotal moment in history? As if previous inaugurations have not been momentous? I agree that it is amazing that we have come so far in the last 40 years so that we can elect an African American to the oval office but is that really what any of this should be about? If we really are supposed to look beyond color and race and only see people then why is it constantly being thrown in our face that he is a black man and no other president has been? Does that make those former presidents and founding fathers and less notable and honorable? It is wonderful for America that we can elect a man and not worry about the color of his skin, however, that is not what an election is for! We should have been watching the inauguration thinking about how this is going to change the nation for the better or worse not about the color of the mans skin. Hooray for the African American race, that they are finally being treated equally....oh wait, I've been doing that my whole life. I think it's about time we all get back to what actually matters here, policy and moral standard. I couldn't give one flying flip whether he was black, white or purple! I want a president who will fight for the moral majority and not for the left-wing, morally bankrupt minority! I am upset that this election has fallen to the left wing but I am confident that God has a plan and that even if we did not support him in the election, we must support him now through our prayers. It will do no America any good to speak ill of the President or his Party. Prayer is our strongest weapon! Let's use it!

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