Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Girl

In my last post I wrote about how it was important not to throw yourself into a relationship too quickly. I wrote that as a woman we need to rely on our girlfriends for our emotional support until the wedding. I got alot of input on that subject and I really appreciate that!

I would like to reiterate that as a girl my emotional needs are still met by some women in my life and I don't rely completely on my husband for all of them. I know that sounds strange, seeing as how I believe that marriage is sacred and that no other person should ever compare to your spouse, but I honestly believe that we need other people(friends) in our lives. I don't know everything about marriage especially since mine is so new but I do know that I should not ever complain about something if it is going to hurt my husbands feelings or cause him in any way to resent me. When I need to vent about something that is of that nature I simply call my BF. She always understands. She also never tries to fix it! As much as I love my husband, I don't always want a solution! Sometimes I just want to complain! Girls are so much better at that.

While there are parts of my relationship with my husband that I do not discuss with my BF, there is nothing about me that she does not know. She knows all of my hopes and dreams as well as my weaknesses and faults. I need her there for me. My relationship with my husband is something that I hold very near and dear to my heart and I cherish his input but he loves me and he doesn't always notice the things that a BF does. She is my catalyst, the person to put me back in my place. She never worries about hurting my feelings and I need that.

Without good friends a woman tends to lose her self. I am determined to be me and I need someone in my life who will remind me who that is. No matter how much it hurts!

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