Sunday, September 11, 2011

If I could, I would hug every single one of the heroes of 9/11.  And I am not a hugger.  Shame on the organizers of the memorial service for not inviting the EMT's, FDNY and NYPD who responded to that terrible tragedy.  They knew they were walking into danger.  They lost friends.  They lost loved ones.  They deserved to be honored.  They are heroes!

Mayor Bloomberg also banned any prayer from the Memorial service.  As a disclaimer I will say that I didn't see the service and I have no idea whether a prayer was actually incorporated.  That being said, I am LIVID that not only was prayer "banned" there was no public outrage at this obvious snub of our rights and freedoms as Americans. 

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

If congress does not have the right to say that we cannot pray when and where we wish then Mayor Bloomberg CERTAINLY does not! 

I am praying for Mayor Bloomberg tonight.  I pray that God will show him the error of his ways and that he will be humbled before the Almighty.

But first and foremost, I am praying for our country and her people.  I pray that as we reflect on the senselessness of 9/11 we as a people will turn our hearts to God and place our hope in Him.  For if God is for us, who can be against us?  

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